Support for parents

If you are concerned about your finances, would like to seek advice about certain aspects or would like support with accessing benefits, then do not hesitate to contact any of our local services, including Citizens Advice. Pupil Premium funding (also known as ‘Free School Meals’) is also available.
We wanted to share the attachment from Horsham District Council regarding extra support and financial help that may be available to you.
If you are concerned about your finances, would like to seek advice about certain aspects or would like support with accessing benefits, then do not hesitate to contact any of our local services, including Citizens Advice. Pupil Premium funding (also known as ‘Free School Meals’) is also available - please see attached information on how to apply.
We would also like to remind you that we have access to 'Neighbourly' and receive regular deliveries from a local bakery of surplus stock and also have food boxes supplied from Rapid Response Team, Horsham Matters and The Samaritans for those in need.
If you require any further help, please do not hesitate to get in touch.