Fairtrade Fortnight
We are celebrating Fairtrade Fortnight at the infants!
Find our latest news here.
We are celebrating Fairtrade Fortnight at the infants!
Hello 2024! New year, new goals and new adventures to look forward to.
We are very excited for our Christmas Fair on 2 December! Looking forward to seeing lots of our families there.
Inspiring Future Teachers (IFT) have launched a brand-new centralised teacher training hub for Sussex based at Tanbridge House School in Horsham, West Sussex.
We are looking forward to our harvest assemblies in October. All dates can be found on our website, we hope to see you there!
Welcome back to our yr1 and yr2 families who have settled in brilliantly! Also a big well done to all Reception children on their first day today, it was wonderful to meet you all.
Please keep a look out on our social media and website for any updates on the weather for tomorrow's Mini Marathon- an inspection of the field will be taking place first thing and a decision made as to if we can go ahead - children to still come into school in PE kits.
The children are having a wonderful time celebrating King Charles III Coronation today!
Welcome back! The children have settled brilliantly, excited about our summer term.
What a wonderful week we've had at the infant's creativity week!
In EYFS our topic this term is 'Southwater Stars' and those who help us in our community. The children had some special visitors today from some local police officers!