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Partnership Agreement

It is a legal requirement for all schools and academies to have an agreement in place to state the values and aims of the organisation together with the responsibilities that children, parents and staff have towards each other.  The Headteacher, Governors and staff are totally committed to developing a partnership between the Academy and parents/carers which is mutually respectful, supportive and informative and focused on the happiness and progress of children.

We have been consistently very pleased with the quality of parental support and involvement over past years, showing an interest and eagerness to co-operate in children’s education.  We are also delighted at the consistency of support we receive for events organised by the academy, the Parents, Teachers, Friends Association (PTFA) and the Friends of Southwater Infant Academy (FSIA).

The academy’s core values are:  Respect; Honesty; Courage and Hope

The academy’s aims are:

  • To provide opportunities for every child to fulfil his or her potential within a positive, caring, stimulating and safe environment.
  • To ensure our ethos promotes a sense of community through the development of self and mutual respect and provide children with an awareness of theirs and others rights as global citizens.
  • To encourage a ‘thirst’ for knowledge through participation in enjoyable, challenging and reflective experience.
  • To inspire children’s curiosity, enthusiasm and sense of pride in their achievements.
  • To provide opportunities for children to become confident, independent learners able to successfully manage the key educational transitions from home to school, between phases in the educational journey and on into the world of work.
  • To continue to build effective partnerships with parents, carers and the community for the benefit of every child.